Friday, June 10, 2016

Just Evidence, No Crap!

Hi guys! I am just another person who is passionate about evidence-based practice. I am a dietitian from Malaysia, my specialty is in clinical nutrition (critical care nutrition). 

I will be like a reporter, try my best to share (and summarize if possible) as many as possible of the latest evidence in this field. 

It is hoped that by this simple sharing, evidence-based dietetic practice will be enhanced in Malaysia, South-East Asia, or Asia. Surely visitors from other continents are welcomed if you found this site is useful for your practice. 

I encourage everyone to discuss your opinion about the evidences shared and generate more idea for practice improvement based on the latest findings. 

I acknowledge that I am not the expert in all area in this field. Therefore, experts suggestion and collaboration from respective area are welcomed.

If you are unable to access and would like to read the full paper that I shared, please email to and I would be happy to share the paper with you.


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