Friday, June 10, 2016

Avoidance of Vitamin K Rich Foods Is Common among Warfarin Users and Translates into Lower Usual Vitamin K Intakes

Guidelines recommend warfarin-treated patients to have STABLE daily vitamin K intakes instead of limiting/avoiding vitamin-K rich foods.
This retrospective cohort study in Canada found that 68% of the patients reported having been asked to limit or avoid vitamin K-rich foods, particularly green vegetables, while only 10% reported being instructed to aim for stable consumption of vitamin K-rich foods. This also results in lower than usual vitamin K intake among those who limit/avoid vitamin-K rich foods.

One interesting finding is that vitamin K-related recommendation were mostly provided by nurses (68%), followed by physicians (18%), pharmacists (11%), dietitians (6%) and relatives (2%).
How well is the Malaysian dietitian doing?

Leblanc et al. J Acad Nutr Diet 2016; 116(6): 1000-1007.

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