Saturday, July 2, 2016

Dietary quality among men and women in 187 countries in 1990 and 2010: a systematic assessment

- Poor quality of diet is a major cause of mortality and disability worldwide
- Diet-related health burdens due to non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) are now surpassing those due to undernutrition in nearly every region of the world
- However, the differences in dietary patterns across the world, and how such dietary patterns are changing with time, are not well established.
- Little is known about dietary patterns across the world based on consumption of healthier foods and nutrients versus consumption of unhealthy foods and nutrients.

- To characterise global changes (or trends) in dietary patterns nationally and regionally and to assess heterogeneity by age, sex, national income, and type of dietary pattern.
- We analysed global dietary information derived from individual-based national surveys

1) Global dietary consumption by country, age, sex, and time
- Focused on 20 foods & nutrients having at least probable or convincing evidence of effects on major NCDs, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and diet-related cancers
- Systematically searched, identified, and compiled data from nationally representative dietary surveys, large subnational surveys (when national surveys were not available), and UN FAO food balance sheets; for sodium intake, surveys assessing urinary sodium were additionally identified
- Total information compiled: 325 dietary surveys (233 nationally representative; 154 were undertaken before 2000), covering 88.7% of global adult population; 142 surveys on urinary sodium, covering 71.9% of global adult population.
- Also compiled year-specific data for national availability of 10 foods and 10 nutrients
- Focused on data for adults (aged ≥ 20 years) only.
- Dietary intakes adjusted for 2000 kcal/day was evaluated to assess diet quality independently of diet quantity and to reduce measurement error within and across surveys (because energy intake is related to under-reporting or overreporting of dietary consumption and adjustment for total energy intake partly corrects the error).
- For all dietary factors, an age-integrating Bayesian hierarchical model was developed, that estimated the mean intake levels and its statistical uncertainty for each age-sex-country-year stratum, accounting for differences in dietary data, survey methods, representativeness, and sampling and modelling uncertainty
- The dataset included estimates of dietary consumption for 26 subgroups (men and women and 13 age categories from 20-24.9 years to ≥80 years) within all 187 countries with a year 2000 population greater than 50 000 in 1990 and 2010, covering 4.42 billion adults across 21 world regions.

2) Characterisation of dietary patterns
-  For analysis, 17 of the 20 dietary factors were compiled, excluding 3 factors (calcium [assessed milk instead]; seafood omega-3s [assessed fish instead]; and fruit juice, with its equivocal evidence for effects on major health outcomes)
- 2 different dietary patterns were modelled:
i) Based on relatively high consumption of 10 healthy items (fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, milk, total polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish, plant omega-3s, and dietary fibre);
ii) Based on relatively low consumption of 7 unhealthy items (unprocessed red meats, processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, saturated fat, trans-fat, dietary cholesterol, and sodium).
- For comparison, overall dietary pattern that incorporated all 17 dietary factors together were also modelled.

To derive a score for each pattern, the mean age-specific, sex-specific, and nation-specific intakes of each dietary factor in 2010 were divided into quintiles, based on all 4862 age-specific, sex-specific, and country-specific strata.
- Each quintile was assigned an ordinal score
- Higher scores were given to quintiles with higher mean intakes of healthier foods (1 to 5 points).
- Higher scores were given to quintiles with lower mean intakes of unhealthier foods (5 to 1 points)
- For each population stratum, scores across different dietary items were summed to obtain the total score for each of three dietary patterns: healthy items, unhealthy items, and all items combined
- For comparability, every score was standardised to a 100-point scale (higher scores equivalent to healthier diets).
- To optimise comparability of trends over time, the quintile cutpoints for every dietary factor in 2010 were used to generate quintile cutpoints for every dietary item in 1990

Statistical Analysis
- Each dietary pattern was assessed by country, sex, age, and national income.
- Hierarchical linear regression was modelled in which age and sex strata were nested within every nation and random intercepts were estimated
- To estimate national, regional, and global means, each age and sex stratum was weighted by the proportion of adults within each contributing country.
- Every model included age, sex, and national income simultaneously to assess whether any of these key sociodemographic factors were independently associated with the dietary pattern score.
- To test linear trends in dietary patterns across age and national income, ordinal categories of age and income were assessed as continuous variables.
- Similar models were used to test trends in dietary patterns from 1990 to 2010, after standardisation of age and sex distributions to 2010 to assess changes independent of varying demographics with time
Statistical uncertainty was quantified with Monte Carlo simulations
- We simultaneously propagated the uncertainty in the estimated dietary intake of all items in every age, sex, country, and time stratum by randomly drawing from the 95% uncertainty interval (UI) of intake and combining results across 1000 iterations. The 95% UIs were derived from estimated SEs based on within-iteration and between-iteration variances. Using the median and SE, we evaluated Wald statistics (square of β/SE) to test the null hypothesis for each result from the regression analyses.

- In 2010, consumption levels of key foods and nutrients related to NCDs varied across their quintile categories by between two-fold to more than 50-fold (Table 1)
- The largest variation was noted for mean
  • wholegrain consumption (10th to 90th percentiles: 12-157 g/day),
  •  fruit juice (1.4-86 g/day),
  •  nuts and seeds (1.5-19.4 g per day),
  •  beans and legumes (1.6-147 g/day),
  •  milk (33-230 g/day),
  • seafood omega-3 fats (22-553 mg/day),
  • plant omega-3 fats (0.2-1.5 g/day),
  • sugar-sweetened beverages (33-293 g/day), and
  • processed meats (3.9-34 g/day).

- Between the 17 dietary factors contributing to dietary patterns, correlations across countries were moderate or weak (r=-0.44 to 0.48).

The mean (SD, range) global dietary pattern scores out of a maximum (healthiest) of 100 were:
- 44.0 (10.5, 13.8-64.5) on the basis of ten healthy foods and nutrients,
- 52.1 (18.6, 15.2-93.4) on the basis of seven unhealthy foods and nutrients, and
- 51.9 (9.3, 27.5-75.3) on the basis of all 17 foods and nutrients (Table 2)

- Both the healthy and unhealthy pattern score were moderately associated with overall score (Spearman r=0.63 for healthy pattern score, r=0.70 for unhealthy pattern score). In contrast, the healthy and unhealthy pattern had very little intercorrelation across countries (r=-0.08, p=0.14)

By Age and Gender
- For all three patterns, older adults had better dietary patterns than did younger adults (table 2). On average, women also had better dietary patterns than did men.

By National Income
- Higher national income was associated with better quality for the healthy dietary pattern, accounting for 15.7% of between-country variability of the score (p=0.0005), and with much worse quality for the unhealthy dietary pattern, accounting for 46.9% of between-country variability (p<0.0001).
- Compared with low-income countries, high-income countries had higher healthy dietary pattern scores (adjusted mean difference 2.5, 95% UI 0.3-4.1), but substantially lower unhealthy dietary pattern scores.
- Unhealthy dietary pattern scores were also substantially lower in upper middle-income countries (-25.2; 95% UI -30.2 to -20.2) and lower middle-income (-18.5, -23.7 to -13.2) countries than in low-income countries

- In post-hoc analysis, high-income nations showed a nonsignificant positive correlation between the two types of pattern scores (r=0.27), whereas low-income nations showed an inverse correlation (r=-0.24; p>0.05 each; pinteraction>0.1 by national income). These differences between healthy and unhealthy foods were largely masked when only one overall dietary pattern score was assessed
 - Substantial heterogeneity was evident in diet quality across nations, and comparisons across countries also varied substantially for the healthy versus unhealthy diet patterns (figures 1-3, appendix pp 42-45).

By Years
- Between 1990 and 2010, global dietary patterns based on more healthy items improved modestly (by 2.2 points, 95% UI 0.9-3.5; figure 4, appendix pp 47–51), indicating greater consumption of these more healthy foods and nutrients.
- By contrast, global dietary patterns based on fewer unhealthy items worsened (-2.5; 95% UI -3.3 to -1.7), indicating concomitant increased consumption of these unhealthy foods and nutrients.
-These trends were weakly correlated across countries (r= -0.08 overall, range -0.15 to 0.09 in the four national-income categories; p>0.05 each).

- These trends did not significantly vary by age or sex (p>0.4 each), but significantly varied by national income (p<0.02 each; appendix p 47 figure S24).
- Nations with higher incomes had larger improvements in diet patterns based on healthy items than did nations with lower incomes; for example, by 2.5 points (95% UI 0.5-4.6) comparing high-income to low-income countries.
- By contrast, middle-income nations showed the largest worsening in diet patterns based on unhealthy items: compared with high-income nations, greater worsening by 2.5 points (95% UI 0.5-4.5) and by and 2.8 points (95% UI 0.9-4.8) was noted in upper-middle nations and lower-middle income nations, respectively

- Although most world regions showed modest improvements in dietary patterns between 1990 and 2010 on the basis of more healthy items, such improvements were generally not noted in the poorest regions, including in sub-Saharan Africa and the Andean states of Latin America
- Conversely, most regions of the world showed substantial declines in diet quality based on increased consumption of unhealthy items.
-Despite some improvement by 2010, dietary scores for unhealthy items in wealthy countries remained among the worst in the world.
- As seen for absolute scores, most of these differences in national and regional trends were far less apparent when examining the dietary pattern aggregating both healthy and unhealthy dietary items (figure 4).

- Consumption of healthier foods and nutrients has modestly increased during the past two decades; however, consumption of unhealthy foods and nutrients has increased to a greater extent
- Improvements in healthier foods were seen in high-income and middle income countries; by contrast, no improvements were seen in the poorest regions
- Associations between socioeconomic status and diet quality might vary substantially for diet patterns based on healthy versus unhealthy items, and also that such diet patterns are only weakly correlated.
- Although a monotonic relation between wealth and diet quality has been frequently proposed, we noted high-income nations at both extremes of healthy dietary patterns

- Did not assess within-country variations of diets and socioeconomic characteristics,
- Individual-based data are subject to measurement errors, and were incomplete for some regions, dietary factors, and years. These limitations were incorporated into uncertainty in the analysis, but could cause sampling bias, information bias, or both.

- Global diet quality varies substantially by age, sex, and national income, and fairly independent heterogeneity is evident for diet patterns based on eating more healthy versus fewer unhealthy foods and nutrients
- Increases in unhealthy patterns are outpacing increases in healthy patterns in most world regions
- These findings emphasise the need to better elucidate the societal, policy, and food industry determinants of these differences and trends, and to implement policies to address these inequities and improve diet quality globally

*Note: only Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1 are shown here.

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